ladakh 『拉達克』 from Douglas Ho on Vimeo. 赴一場轉化之途。 你瞥見無恐怖骷髏頭力證無常,
你瞥見黑紅怪謬之蛇轉化經幡飄揚, 阿賴耶識, 喇嘛,盤根老樹, 曼陀羅,蓮花生,雪山, 提醒你揮之不去的冷冽, 還有這個國度殘留的神性。
曙光,還好有曙光兩道, 將你輕輕喚醒, 給你閉...
The problem with peanut butter?
Ahh, good old american peanut butter... if you're like me, you fondly
remember eating a ton of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches growing up,
washed down w...
Our favorite Malaysian food
I was in the kitchen peeling potatoes. My husband came : "Are you cooking
chicken curry? Yeah!"
Two minutes later, my youngest approached me : "We eat ro...
Lowongan SPG dan Sales
Dibutuhkan lowongan untuk posisi
1. Sales Promotion Girl ( Kode : SPG )
- Wanita.
- Min SMA / Sederajat.
- Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang kosm...