ladakh 『拉達克』 from Douglas Ho on Vimeo. 赴一場轉化之途。 你瞥見無恐怖骷髏頭力證無常,
你瞥見黑紅怪謬之蛇轉化經幡飄揚, 阿賴耶識, 喇嘛,盤根老樹, 曼陀羅,蓮花生,雪山, 提醒你揮之不去的冷冽, 還有這個國度殘留的神性。
曙光,還好有曙光兩道, 將你輕輕喚醒, 給你閉...
Her style
Awena has been in a phase where she dislike everything girly : skirts,
pink color, princess... She wants nothing related to them. She was quite
choosy whe...
Zemin Photo by Verona Susko — National Geographic Your Shot: Zemin is name
of my son, what indicates someone who is connected with the earth. (Zem
means Ea...
Lowongan SPG dan Sales
Dibutuhkan lowongan untuk posisi
1. Sales Promotion Girl ( Kode : SPG )
- Wanita.
- Min SMA / Sederajat.
- Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang kosm...